Sanjay Nagar, Jammu, 180004

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Frequently Asked Interview Questions

val is immutable (read-only, like final in Java).
var is mutable (modifiable).

A data class automatically provides equals(), hashCode(), copy(), and toString().
It is useful for model classes (e.g., API responses).

Extension functions add behavior to existing classes without modifying them.
fun String.isEmailValid(): Boolean {
return this.contains("@") && this.contains(".")
Now, "".isEmailValid() works.

-> lateinit is used for var and initialized later.
-> lazy is used for val and initialized only once when accessed.
lateinit var name: String // Must be initialized before use
val age: Int by lazy { 25 } // Only evaluated when accessed

Use Intent:
val intent = Intent(this,
intent.putExtra("name", "Nancy")
Second Activity Get Data
val name = intent.getStringExtra("name")

startActivityForResult() is deprecated in favor of ActivityResultLauncher.
Example using ActivityResultLauncher:
val launcher = registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult()) { result ->
if (result.resultCode == Activit

GONE: Hides the view and removes it from the layout.
INVISIBLE: Hides the view but still takes up space.
VISIBLE: The view is displayed.

WorkManager schedules background tasks that must run even if the app is killed.
Used for periodic syncing, data backup, etc.

SharedPreferences: Synchronous, not recommended for large data.
DataStore: Uses Coroutines, avoids ANR (App Not Responding) issues.
val dataStore = context.createDataStore(name = "settings")

Used for loading large data sets efficiently with RecyclerView.
Supports pagination from API or database.

Dispatchers.Main: Runs on UI thread.
Dispatchers.IO: Used for network/database operations.
Dispatchers.Default: Used for CPU-intensive tasks.
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
val data = fetchDataFromNetwork()

inline: Inlines the function at the call site, avoiding function call overhead.
noinline: Prevents specific lambda parameters from being inlined.
crossinline: Ensures that the lambda parameter does not return from the enclosing function.

? allows nullable values (String?).
!! forces a null-unsafe call (throws NullPointerException).
?. safely accesses properties (user?.name).
?: (Elvis operator) provides a default value (user?.name ?: "Guest").

sealed class allows different data types, while enum has fixed constants.

Declarative UI (simplifies UI development).
State management is easier.
No need for findViewById().
Less boilerplate code.

Created → Started → Resumed → Paused → Stopped → Destroyed.
onCreate(), onStart(), onResume() (Active state).
onPause(), onStop(), onDestroy() (Inactive state).

Use ViewModel (persists data across configuration changes).
Use onSaveInstanceState() for small data.
Set configChanges="orientation|screenSize" in Manifest (not always recommended).

Thread: Heavy, uses OS-level resources.
HandlerThread: Background thread with a Looper.
Coroutine: Lightweight, managed by Kotlin runtime, more efficient.

enqueue(): Asynchronous, runs in the background.
execute(): Synchronous, blocks the main thread.

The Elvis operator (?:) is used to provide a default value if an expression is null. It acts as a shorthand for handling null values.

val name: String? = null
val displayName = name ?: "Guest" // If name is null, "Guest" is used

Coroutines in Kotlin are used for asynchronous programming. They are lightweight and prevent UI blocking.

Types of coroutines in Android:

GlobalScope.launch - Runs in the background but does not respect the lifecycle.
ViewModelScope.launch - Tied to the ViewModel lifecycle.
LifecycleScope.launch - Used within activities/fragments.
MainScope.launch - Custom scope used for UI updates.

Foreground Service: Used for tasks that require user attention (e.g., music player).
Background Service: Runs in the background (deprecated in newer Android versions).
JobIntentService: Used for background work.
WorkManager: Recommended for scheduled or background tasks.

Launch modes define how activities are launched. The four types are:

Standard – New instance created every time.
SingleTop – Reuses an existing instance if it's already on top.
SingleTask – Creates a new task and clears other activities.
SingleInstance – Ensures only one instance across all apps.

LiveData and MutableLiveData both are classes for observable data holders, but they differ in mutability. LiveData provides read-only access to the held data, while MutableLiveData allows modification of the data.

RxJava is a reactive programming library used for asynchronous operations.

Commonly used operators:

map() – Transforms data.
flatMap() – Flattens nested observables.
filter() – Filters items based on a condition.
debounce() – Reduces the number of emitted events.

Abstraction hides implementation details and shows only necessary information.
abstract class Vehicle {
abstract fun start()

class Car : Vehicle() {
override fun start() { println("Car starting") }

Encapsulation hides data and provides controlled access.
class BankAccount {
private var balance: Double = 1000.0

fun deposit(amount: Double) { balance += amount }
fun getBalance(): Double = balance
Here, balance is private, and external access is controlled.

Dagger: A powerful Dependency Injection (DI) framework for managing dependencies.
Hilt: A simplified DI tool built on Dagger, reducing boilerplate.

Use arguments with a Bundle to pass data to fragments.
val fragment = MyFragment().apply {
arguments = Bundle().apply { putString("key", "Hello") }
Access inside the fragment:
val data = arguments?.getString("key")

Abstraction is the process of hiding implementation details and showing only relevant information to the user. It focuses on what an object does rather than how it does it.
🚗 Car Example:

When you drive a car, you just use the steering wheel, accelerator, and brakes.
You don’t need to know how the engine, fuel injection, or braking mechanism works internally.
Abstraction: The internal working is hidden, and only essential functionalities are exposed.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) is a programming paradigm based on the concept of objects, which are instances of classes. It is widely used in languages like Java, Kotlin, Python, C++, etc. and is the foundation of Android development.
4 Pillars of OOPs
OOPs is based on four main principles:

1️⃣ Encapsulation – Binding data and methods together
2️⃣ Abstraction – Hiding implementation details
3️⃣ Inheritance – Reusing code from existing classes
4️⃣ Polymorphism – One interface, multiple implementations